ALSTOM AB121 控制板是一种工业级控制板,通常具有抗振动、抗电磁干扰和耐用性等特性,以适应工业环境中的恶劣条件。
ALSTOM AB121控制板适用于各种工业应用领域,包括电力、铁路、航空、制造业、石油和天然气等。同时,它也能够实用于变电站自动化、电力散布、路线交通旌旗灯号掌握等。
文章出自贵州源妙自动化设备有限公司官方网站,转载请附上以下链接 |
The ALSTOM AB121 control board is an industrial-grade control board that typically has characteristics such as vibration resistance, electromagnetic interference resistance and durability to adapt to harsh conditions in industrial environments.The ALSTOM AB121 control board is suitable for a variety of industrial applications, including power, rail, aviation, manufacturing, oil and gas, etc. At the same time, it can also be used in substation automation, power distribution, route traffic signal control and so on.
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