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  • GE IC600KD530RR 工业网络技术模块
  • GE IC600KD530RR 工业网络技术模块
  • GE IC600KD530RR 工业网络技术模块
  • GE IC600KD530RR 工业网络技术模块
  • GE IC600KD530RR 工业网络技术模块
  • GE IC600KD530RR 工业网络技术模块

GE IC600KD530RR 工业网络技术模块



公司地址:贵州省安顺市西秀区北街街道虹山湖路42号虹山大酒店(百灵.希尔顿逸林酒店 )幢14层9号




GE IC600KD530RR是GE(通用电气)公司生产的一款工业网络技术模块。这款模块设计用于工业自动化和控制系统,提供稳定可靠的数据传输和网络通信功能。

The GE IC600KD530RR is an industrial networking technology module produced by General Electric. Designed for use in industrial automation and control systems, this module provides stable and reliable data transmission and network communication.



GE IC600KD530RR是GE(通用电气)公司生产的一款工业网络技术模块。这款模块设计用于工业自动化和控制系统,提供稳定可靠的数据传输和网络通信功能。

The GE IC600KD530RR is an industrial networking technology module produced by General Electric. Designed for use in industrial automation and control systems, this module provides stable and reliable data transmission and network communication.


以下是关于GE IC600KD530RR模块的一些主要特性和参数:

Here are some of the main features and parameters of the GE IC600KD530RR module:

  1. 工作温度范围:GE IC600KD530RR具有宽泛的工作温度范围,通常能在-40°F至+185°F(-40°C至+85°C)的温度条件下正常工作,这使其能够适应各种工业环境。
  2. 重量与尺寸:模块的重量约为0.82kg,尺寸适中,便于安装和集成到现有的系统中。
  3. 通道更新率:该模块的通道更新率通常为1秒,这意味着它能够实时地传输数据,满足对实时性要求较高的应用场景。
  4. 功耗:GE IC600KD530RR模块的功耗较低,有助于降低整体系统的能耗和运行成本。
  5. 通信接口:该模块配备USB-B接口,使得与其他设备或系统的连接和数据传输变得简单方便。此外,它还可能支持其他通信协议和接口,以满足不同的通信需求。
  6. 电缆长度:USB数据线的长度通常为5米,这为用户提供了足够的灵活性,方便在实际应用中进行布线。
  7. 其他特性:GE IC600KD530RR模块可能还支持特定的BN主机协议,用于与上位机或其他控制器进行通信。此外,它还可能具备其他功能和特性,如可扩展性、高可靠性和稳定性等。

  8. Operating temperature range: The GE IC600KD530RR has a wide operating temperature range, typically operating at -40°F to +185°F (-40°C to +85°C), which makes it suitable for a variety of industrial environments.

  9. Weight and size: The module weighs approximately 0.82kg, making it a moderate size for easy installation and integration into existing systems.

  10. Channel update rate: The channel update rate of the module is usually 1 second, which means that it can transmit data in real time to meet the requirements of real time application scenarios.

  11. Power consumption: The GE IC600KD530RR module has a low power consumption, helping to reduce the overall system energy consumption and operating costs.

  12. Communication interface: The module is equipped with a USB-B interface, making connection and data transfer with other devices or systems easy and convenient. In addition, it may also support other communication protocols and interfaces to meet different communication needs.

  13. Cable length: The length of the USB data cable is usually 5 meters, which provides users with enough flexibility to facilitate wiring in practical applications.

  14. Additional features: The GE IC600KD530RR module may also support a specific BN host protocol for communication with the host computer or other controllers. In addition, it may have other functions and features such as scalability, high reliability and stability.

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  19. 【免责声明】

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